Welcome to Soper Lane
I first met Elizabeth at a get together / study weekend for the White Company Nuns. We were both new members, and the idea of looking into the lives of medieval women was something that struck a chord. We hit it off immediately. The creation of the Soper Lane group was not far behind.
Elizabeth's research - hours spent studying wills and other documents, really helped us to understand the everyday lives of the medieval London silkwomen. She discovered numerous women related to silkwork and found links between many of them both business and social. She gifted me an address book filled with names and dates of these - I think there were only two such address books of people who died 500 years ago! She used her training as a Barrister to do her research, and finding that documentary evidence was her real forte.
Thanks to her we can also now all view the images of Harley 2320 online, as she instigated and funded the photography of the pages for our research and subsequent publication of Tak V Bowes Departed.
She was a founding member of The Household, another re-enactment / study group that sought to give a clear picture of the day-to-day aspects of a medieval merchant's house.
Her love of research did not wane once diagnosed with cancer back in 2008. Instead she took part in drug trials, gene research and was an advocate for cancer research, putting energy into the search for a cure and better treatment. She blogged about cancer care and her treatment (https://inthelandofnewnormal.blogspot.com/) and I know was an incredible support to the Storm Riders - a group of women brought together by and who braved the storm of cancer. She appeared on the BBC just last month talking about recent research breakthroughs, despite knowing that her cancer, which she had originally fought successfully, had returned. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-44455354
She was a good friend. The kind that you didn't have to see or even speak to for ages but could pick up where you left off. She was kind, serious, and devoted to her family. She will be greatly missed.